Amazon mini Tv is platform where Many famous creator can upload there videos and earn money.
You can also watch few prime series on it without paying any charges and day by day amazon adding more and more Creators on amazon mini tv
Amazon is a famous platform for shopping and prime videos but now you can enjoy videos on amazon just like youtube. If you want to know how to upload video on mini tv amazon then we will help you.

Amazon mini tv provides a facility for creators to upload their videos on mini tv but you cannot upload them through the app.
Soon they will add more features on it so you can enjoy it more and also earn money from it if you are creator.
How to upload video on Amazon Mini Tv
Currently, there is no option for uploading videos on amaozn prime tv but if you are a youtuber and have enough subscriber than its chance for you to get this feature.
Amazon adding lots of youtuber every day on mini tv and if you want to feature on amazon mini tv you can start youtube channel today.
For uploading videos on youtube, you must upload original content so its easy for you to get featured on mini tv.
If you are already a youtuber then you can better understand the copyright and many conditions which is important to follow the guidelines of youtube.