Nowadays as technology increases, many people find many new ways to do fraud Naaptol Fraud letter is one of them. We already discuss earlier new fraud and scams which you can read here. But they also do fraud in the name of good companies so you can believe them easily.
A few days ago I got the letter through speed post in the name of Naaptol and when I open that Naaptol Fraud letter and read that guess what I got selected from the lucky draw contest and win 4 lakh 30 thousand rupees which are definitely fraud.

The letter seems very genuine and now frauds are using these classy ways to make you fool because of its looks normal and has the proper address of the company.
First I believe this then I think again about this and discuss it with a few of my friends so first they also believe it but when we call that number they ask for money to generate the amount for tax purposes. So we research it more and found few videos on youtube so our doubt was clear.
It’s my request to all don’t believe this kind of fraud. First research about it through YouTube or google which can give you an answer very easily.