EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India (BGMI) Without downloading any File

Get Battleground Mobile India Early access
EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India

Many People facing problems Get EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India from external sources and can’t able to understand the full process but don’t worry we have the solution for it.

You Don’t have to download the OBB file or APK file to get the BGMI or download it from external sources and is also risky for you to share your access with a third party.

BGMI offer You the best way where you can easily play the game and I also got 2 chicken dinner by following this method.

If you want battleground mobile India early access then just download from one place where you don’t have to face issues.

You just have to Follow Few steps which will help you to Download Battleground Mobile India early access.

Step To EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India

Find Testing Program of BGMI

If you want EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India simply go to the testing program of BGMI and Get permission to download it, for access to the Testing Program Just CLICK HERE.

Become a Tester

Once You open the link, its open the dashboard which show the message for KRAFTON and it gives you permission To become a tester by simply click on Become a Tester button but Note that testing version is unstable.

EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India

Download It from Play store

When You click on Become a Tester button, it will open a new page where it shows you the option to download the tester Version of Battleground Mobile India.

But you can anytime switch to the public version once it is available to the Play store, for you have to uninstall the testing version and install the public version from the google play store.

AlSO READ | Easily Create GTA FILTER 

Install The BGMI

Once You click on Download it from play store, you will redirect to the play store and install it without download any OBB file or APK file.

EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India

Simply click on the Install button and it will start installing the BGMI, you have to allow the storage permission for downloading it.

The size of it depends on various of device and maximum of 750 MB so make sure you have enough data in our phone. and you will get EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India

Download resources of BGMI

When BGMI start installing it want more 618 MB resource file and once it’s completed it will open the BGMI dashboard and you can simply log in from your Facebook account or google account.

EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India

Access Data Transfer

You can transfer your old data from Facebook or Twitter but if you create your account from google then maybe it difficult for you to get old data easily.


When you Get Battleground Mobile India Early access and all the things and log in from your Google or Facebook account it will open the game and one video will start showing to you, you can skip it and go to the dashboard and enjoy.

EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India


FAQ For EARLY ACCESS BattleGound Mobile India

Should I have to Download any OBB File or Apk File To Get Battleground Mobile India Early access?

No, You don’t have to download any file to play the tester version of the BGMI, simply get it from play store.

Should I download it from third party app store or site?

No, you don’t have to download it from any third-party store or site, simply get go to become tester and download it from google play store.

What if Public version of game Release?

Simply you can uninstall it and install the public version of the game and enjoy, there is no worry about it. just download the public version when it’s available and play that.