Shania Twain to Machine Gun Kelly are featured in 19 new music documentaries that are set to rock your world

The blows just keep coming in. This year's recipients of the video retrospective treatment include Sheryl Crow, a former backing singer who is now a star

Lizzo and XXXTentacion, two well-known rappers, Jennifer Lopez, a multi-talented Latin powerhouse, Ronnie James Dio, and Tanya Tucker, a country rebel

Here's a look at 19 new music docs vying for your eyes and ears in 2022

Shania Twain is part of a select group of Canadian sirens who crossed over onto U.S. charts (cue Alanis Morissette and of course Celine Dion)

Thanks to country-rocking hits such as "You're Still the One" and "That Don't Impress Me Much." In "Not Just A Girl

The singer's life is described in great depth, from her upbringing in Ontario to the groundbreaking work she did with seasoned rock producer (and later husband) Mutt Lange

Uncertainty exists regarding the documentary's intended focus, which could include topics like the singer's brief loss of voice due to Lyme disease or the bizarre turns in her personal life.