Kim Kardashian did not ruin Marilyn Monroe's iconic dress at the Met Gala.

that's according to Ripley's Believe It Or Not!, which owns Monroe's dress and lent it to Kardashian for the May event.

The museum and events franchise said in a statement Thursday that despite claims otherwise

Kardashian "did not, in any way, damage the garment in the short amount of time it was worn at the Met Gala."

The response comes after images allegedly showing some damage to the back

of the crystal-covered dress were circulated on social media earlier in the week.

Amanda Joiner, Ripley's VP of publishing and licensing, accompanied the dress as it was transported from Florida to New York

Also while Kardashian was wearing it.

She said the condition of the gown remained the same "from the bottom of the Met steps,

where Kim got into the dress, to the top where it was returned."