How to Register for Vaccine or download Vaccination Certificate easily ✅

Download Vaccination Certificate

IF you want to Download Vaccination Certificate or want to know how to Register for Vaccine, than you are in the right place.

We discuss both way, first we discuss about registration process and after that we will discuss about how to download vaccination certificate.

If you want to register for vaccination you have to first register your self on and there is lots of way for registration.

1st option is you can directly register yourself on the portal or you can use few application for registration.

There is two application aarogya setu and umang which provide you this facility, Umang is easiest way to register your self for vaccination process.

download Vaccination Certificate

Step for Register yourself through the Umang app

  • Go to Umang App
  • Click on Co win service
  • Click on the Register option
  • Enter your mobile no and OTP
  • Fill your information
  • Choose nearby Center
  • Book your slot

If you get your 1st dose of covid19 vaccine or full dose of vaccine then you can download vaccination certificate easily, because this certificate is the useful thing which you can use for further or for the second dose or maybe govt. will give you some relaxation in few things which is related to this sector.

5 step for download vaccination certificate

Install Umang app

To download Vaccination certificate you have to install the Umang app on your mobile and you can install it from Playstore or app store.

The first step is always easy so you have to login into it by using your Google account which is link to your mobile or register on it as a new user.

Go to dashboard

After login to Umang app you will see dashboard and in dashboard you will find many things like documents, services, schemes but you have to choose upper banner where you can find covid19 vaccination image and click on it, or you can just go to search box and type CO-WIN which can also be useful.

Open the Service

Click on Co-Win and you can see there will be 2 option on service, first in register or login for vaccination and second is download vaccination certificate.

If you want to register for vaccination just go for the first one and for download Vaccination Certificate go to second one.

Enter registered number and OTP

Enter your mobile number which is registered for vaccination because it is your login credential and help you for getting the certificate.

After putting your mobile number OTP will send to your registered number so you have to copy that or manually enter it on the OTP section.

Download the File

Once you complete all these processes you get the option for downloading the PDF file so you just have to click it and the certificate is download to your mobile.

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